Thursday, February 20, 2025

So... about this whole "schedule" thing...

Great... another one of these. These aren't always fun to make, but I feel that sometimes they're necessary. Anyway, I made this post because... *sigh* I already want to get rid of my blogging schedule.

(Yes, this isn't a troll. I legitimately couldn't sustain a schedule for more than one month. I'm that lazy.)

No, I'm not lazy. It's not even that I just get burnt out easily. I'm just so busy outside of blogging. I don't like to reveal anything about my personal life on this platform, and that still very much stands, but I'll just say it truthfully: I do stuff. I have a life. And blogging isn't always my top priority. In fact, it's almost never my top priority. 

Really the reason I created a schedule for myself is not that I like schedules. It's that I felt like somehow I wasn't posting as much as I should, and so I didn't get as many views as I'd hoped just because the viewers can never predict when I'll release one post, or when I'll release a special series of twenty posts, or when I'll disappear for two weeks, or when I'll have my blog deactivated for months on end, with the constant worry that I could at any moment be gone forever without any announcement. But it's not like I was getting pressured, or made fun of, or even lacking recognition. I have viewers, and not once has anyone said anything bad about my blog, except myself, over and over and over. This is not to say I want to stop blogging. I have good ideas for posts, and I'm usually able to have fun with blogging if it's content I enjoy reviewing. I actually have a series of fun Olivia Rodrigo-related posts planned for her big twenty-twooooooo birthday this week! I just think I'll feel better if I go back to how I was before: posting whenever I feel motivated, even if that means posting less than once a week.

Additionally, this might sound like I'm repeating the same things I had said in that post from June 2024 (iykyk) but the countdown & Hitbound posts in particular sometimes feel *ahem* robotic. And as I've said before, I don't just mean that I have more fun reviewing good songs as opposed to bad songs. For example, as much as I despise that monstrosity of a song that is Fat Juicy & Wet, it gave me interesting material for blogging content since it was so laughably bad that it's at least kinda fun to analyze. But it's not fun to review a whole Hitbound full of songs that are just decently tolerable and have no positive or negative qualities and are just gonna be forgotten in three days. So I don't think I'm gonna post any countdown or Hitbound reviews anytime soon unless it either becomes drastically amazing or drastically horrible.

It doesn't necessarily have to be exactly how it was before where it was completely unpredictable when I'd post or when I'd take weeks off. Some things will remain semi-scheduled. I'll still (for now) try my best to post an album review every month, a personal chart every month, at least one other post every month, and bigger projects for special events like holidays or hitting a milestone number of blog views. But I want to be more flexible so that blogging doesn't feel like a chore. Blogging was never a requirement for me. The whole point for why I blog has always stayed the same throughout my on-and-off two years in the community: as a fun way of sharing my opinions on today's music. If it doesn't feel fun, then there's no point in it.

Anyway, I also want to take this time to give a shoutout to bloggers like Ethan & Hippo for actually being able to live with having a schedule and (particularly in Ethan's case) the occasional pressure from viewers, and Bubby for the sheer amount of posts they get out and their quite versatile posting genres. I must commend your dedication to blogging and I genuinely can't even fully imagine all of the work you put into it. Once again, I'm don't plan on leaving this community. I definitely want to continue blogging for at least one more year, depending on what happens in my life up to that point. I'm just trying not to care as much about what people think of my blog, so I'll be a much less regular poster in order to give me time to focus on my life outside of blogging.

(TL;DR - My blog will no longer operate on a strict schedule, partially due to a recent lack of interest in Hitbound, but mostly because of an increasingly busy personal life and not wanting to prioritize blogging as if it is a requirement. I'll still plan on monthly album reviews, personal charts, and other random posts, but I'll be more flexible with my schedule. Also, special shoutouts to bloggers who put in the work to regularly post. I could never.)

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This album deserves more recognition for cryin' out loud!

Hello and welcome to my second monthly album review of 2025! This is a review of an album by someone who's pretty famous but, in my opinion, not quite famous enough: Finneas. Some of you might not know who Finneas is, some of you might remember him from previous songs on Hits 1 like For Cryin' Out Loud, Till Forever Falls Apart, or Let's Fall In Love For The Night, and some of you might just know him as the brother of Billie Eilish. Well, I think of him as Finneas. His solo music is actually quite great. It does have its similarities to Billie, but there are obviously many notable distinctions. So, I decided to review his most recent album, titled For Cryin' Out Loud!

I just noticed as I'm writing this that this is my first review of an album by a solo male artist, and only my second review of any album by male artists, which was previously only held by Pearl Jam. Kinda surprising, but kinda not considering most of the major celebrities in the music world right now are female.

Also... yes, I know I have not been following my schedule recently. Part of that in the last few days has been due to seeing Finneas in concert, having some power & internet issues due to winter weather, and other things I'd rather not discuss here (pls don't worry), but I will go a little bit more into detail about that tomorrow in a separate post. Anyway, let's just get into the album review!

1. Starfucker

My rating: 5/5 Great

Well that's an interesting title. Immediately when I saw it, I thought of that line from Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo, and I wasn't quite sure what to expect out of this song. It's actually a semi-rare case of a great opening track. Right from the unique piano line at the beginning, I was instantly pretty certain that this album would be quite the awesome one. One thing that Finneas does really well in his music (and the same goes for Billie's music) is evolution. This song progresses from a melancholy reflection on a breakup to pure anger about a toxic person. I love the way the chorus changes from "I was yours before you were cool" to "I'd still be yours for sure but you're cruel", completely changing the meaning of the song. Already one of my top 5 favorites on the album.

2. What's It Gonna Take To Break Your Heart?

My rating: 5/5 Great

So, this album was promoted with three singles, two of which were great choices, and one of which, in my opinion, shouldn't have been a single, which we'll get to very soon. I know exactly what I would've chosen as a single instead: this song. This would've been such a great single! It's got a sound that's upbeat enough for radio but not to the point where it's unenjoyable to listen to, and the lyrics have a deep message behind them but are catchy and slightly repetitive, like a lot of radio singles. Also, this song sonically reminds me of Espresso for some reason. It's a really random comparison, I know, but I'll never be able to unhear it. (They both mention coffee in the lyrics also!) I feel like this is a vocal strong point on the album, showing off Finneas's incredible range, and even the backup singer, who I thought for sure was Billie when I first heard it but is apparently someone named Lucy Healey, sounds genuinely really good. Starting the album strong!

3. Cleats

My rating: 3/5 Decent

We've reached the first single on the tracklist, and... this is the one I mentioned before. I don't think this should've been a single, but it's still an okay song. (I mean, it's Finneas, how bad can it possibly get?) Although it's definitely my least favorite song on the album, it redeems itself in a lot of ways: the lyrics are quite clever in the verses, and there are some cool elements to this song's production also. However, I find a lot of it, particularly the chorus and the guitar riffs throughout, to be a bit too repetitive and not evolving enough, and therefore feeling boring compared to other songs on the album. Really nothing else I have to say here, just an incredibly generic song.

4. Little Window

My rating: 5/5 Great

If I were to re-review Hit Me Hard And Soft (which I'm not doing btw, but just hypothetically) most of the ratings wouldn't change, other than giving Wildflower a lower rating. I love how Wildflower sounds musically, but the lyrics fall flat for me. Well, this song gave me just what Wildflower was missing: some strong lyrics to fit with this similar production style. Most of the songs on this album (and really most music in general) are breakup songs, but this is thought to be an exception, with the lyrics being interpreted as written about feeling depressed due to spending too much time on social media: the "little window" motif mentioned throughout the song refers to a cell phone. And when I say the production sounds a lot like Wildflower, I mean that in a good way. It doesn't feel like he copied himself or his sister. It makes it seem like the two songs are connected in some way. I'm not sure exactly how, but there's probably some relation beyond just the artists. But that doesn't matter right now. Another great song!

5. 2001

My rating: 4/5 Good

Yeah, this one's a bit less interesting to me but still a solid song. According to Finneas as stated on the FCOL tour, this song is about getting stood up by a date. Some of the lyrics are quite cleverly written as usual for Finneas, but nothing is really standing out to me. The production is cool albeit a bit generic. There are a few particularly cool-sounding elements to it: I love the drums in this song. But yeah, overall just a generic but good song that I'll probably not come back to as much as other songs on the album, but it's not bad at all.

6. Same Old Story

My rating: 5/5 Great

Yes! I consider this my favorite song on the album. I must say, though it obviously didn't ruin my entire concert experience, I was disappointed at the fact that Finneas played every song on his album at the FCOL tour except Same Old Story, which just so happens to be my favorite song on the album (which I'm sure is an unpopular opinion so it doesn't surprise me much, but I still wish he did it). This is a bit of an odd comparison, but sonically, this song kinda reminds me of Happiness by Taylor Swift. It's in the same key (a key I don't usually like, unless it's with this style of song), and has a similar sort of progression, starting with sparse synths playing simple chords and adding more touches of synthesized sounds throughout. About halfway through, the drums kick in and the song reaches its climax. And of course, the lyrics here are also quite great. The title is pretty much self-explanatory: the song is about having to deal with... well, the same old story over and over in a relationship, never being able to escape the same routines. A lot of these lyrics I find relatable and well-written. Magnificent song, a definite favorite from the start.

7. Sweet Cherries

My rating: 4/5 Good

Well, after that masterpiece, now we have this song that's a bit less great. Don't get me wrong, I like this song. Some of the experimental synth sounds actually sound really cool. After a while that one that's really loud and scratchy-ish can get distracting, but it works for the most part. I like the lyrics and the story they tell, starting with interest in someone and ending in heartbreak, but there are other songs that do it better. I'm not always particularly a fan of the whole "two songs in one" concept (usually it's done well) and in this case it's fine but I think it could've been more connected. But overall, the lyrics are well-written and the production sounds pretty cool so I can't bring the song down very much at all. It's just, again, one of the few songs on this album that I don't imagine myself coming back to listen to regularly.

8. For Cryin' Out Loud

My rating: 5/5 Great

We've finally reached the title track and probably this album's "biggest hit", and it's a rare case of a radio single that I consider one of an album's top songs. This was the only song from the album that made it onto Hits 1, although it dropped out of Hitbound. (Unfortunately Finneas still, as far as I know, has yet to have any solo songs on the Hits 1 Weekend Countdown, not counting being featured on Ashe's top five hit Till Forever Falls Apart in 2021.) What stands out the most about this song is the production: this song showcases Finneas's genre-blending pretty much at its best. The combination of rock elements with jazz-like brass instrumentation sounds so great to me, and fits well with the lyrics. By the way, the lyrics are also very clever, even though they're about a concept some people might see as overused (I disagree): about being in love with someone who makes you insane. I think this was a great single choice, and also a great album title choice. But most importantly, it's just a flat-out great song.

9. Family Feud

My rating: 5/5 Great

Well, I had a feeling that Finneas probably wrote a song about his sister. They obviously have a close relationship especially in the music world, and this song gives imagery & descriptions of the usual interactions and relationship between Finneas & Billie, both the good and the bad. I love these types of songs, and Finneas unsurprisingly does it really well. The production also, as usual, sounds great and fits the lyrics in such a nice way. It has a very nostalgic, acoustic, pure sound to it that supports the lyrics gorgeously. I don't really have anything else to say for this one, it's just, once again, another great song.

10. Lotus Eater

My rating: 5/5 Great

Alright, the finale has arrived. And guess what? Surprise, this is one of few albums that starts and ends on a great song! Based on how many times I recommended this song to Hits 1 and when I placed it on my personal top 20 chart, you probably knew it was a favorite of mine. It's definitely my favorite of the three singles, and probably my third-favorite song on the album, just following Little Window & Same Old Story. It's a great, reflective closer that works especially well considering its lyrical & thematic parallels to the opening track, Starfucker. And also, the production is stellar. This is my favorite rock moment for Finneas. This song feels almost like punk-rock while still having the jazz elements I notice in a lot of his music. Really, this song is just such a great closer to such a great album. Great. Great. Great. Great!


Overall album rating: 92% (Great Album)

This album has the same score as Gracie Abrams' The Secret Of Us. I didn't quite know what to expect. I knew for sure it'd be great, but I wasn't sure whether it would have more of a low-great score comparable to that of Dark Matter or Eternal Sunshine, or an absolutely stunning score like Hit Me Hard And Soft, Evermore, or either Olivia Rodrigo album, but it got a score right in the middle of the "great album" spectrum. Overall, great album!

Favorite songs: What's It Gonna Take To Break Your Heart, Little Window, Same Old Story, For Cryin' Out Loud, Lotus Eater

"Least" favorite song: Cleats

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Super Bowl of blogging challenges (maybe my funniest post yet) - Hits 1 Weekend Countdown 2/8/25

Hi! So, in case you didn't see, I posted a comment on Ethan's recent "story time" post that inadvertently turned into the biggest (and really the only) blogging challenge I've done on here. I posted a comment that pretty accurately describes what this post was going to be at first, and was challenged by an anonymous commenter to not do any of the numerous things I listed. Here is the list for reference:

*rants about Fat Juicy & Wet existing*
*rants about Chiefs losing*
*sighs with relief that the Chiefs at least got 22 points which is a Swiftian sign of good luck*
*clowns about how Kendrick Lamar will be on a Reputation TV FTV bonus track*
*lists random statistics about Birds Of A Feather's countdown run*
*makes a tiresome joke about the apple finally falling from the tree and not making it to Brat spring*
*celebrates Diet Pepsi's 22nd birthday one week early*
*refuses to meet Bruno & Rose at the apateu until they let Pink Pony Club hit number one*

*sigh* I have to go this whole blog post without doing any of those things, so I might as well just not say anything. Enjoy the emptiness.

(Fine, I'll do it...)

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Super Bowl of blogging challenges - Hits 1 Weekend Countdown 2/8/25 (the REAL post, definitely not a troll whatsoever in any way, shape, or form)

Hi! So, this week's countdown was pretty normal and absolutely nothing unusual happened. Let's get into it.


Teddy Swims - Guilty

Charli XCX - Apple

Myles Smith - Stargazing

Myles Smith - Nice To Meet You


#30: Kendrick Lamar - Squabble Up (Debut)

#29: Hayes Warner - Oh! (=)

#28: The Weeknd & Playboi Carti - Timeless (-2)

#27: Tate McRae - Sports Car (=)

#26: Marshmello & Jonas Brothers - Slow Motion (+4)

#25: Bruno Mars & Sexyy Red - Fat Juicy & Wet (Debut) (uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...)

#24: Lady Gaga - Abracadabra (Debut)

#23: Megan Moroney - Am I Okay? (=)

#22: Kendrick Lamar & Sza - Luther (+2)

#21: Raye - Oscar Winning Tears (+4)

#20: The Weeknd - Cry For Me (Debut)

#19: Morgan Wallen - Love Somebody (-7)

#18: Addison Rae - Diet Pepsi (+4)

#17: Gigi Perez - Sailor Song (-1)

#16: Sza - Bmf (+4)

Extra: Jennie & Dominic Fike - Love Hangover

#15: Damiano David - Born With A Broken Heart (+2)

#14: Lola Young - Messy (+7)

#13: Lisa - Moonlit Floor (+2) 

#12: Alex Warren & Joe Jonas - Burning Down (+2)

#11: David Guetta, Alphaville & Ava Max - Forever Young (+7)

#10: Gracie Abrams - I Love You, I'm Sorry (+1)

#9: Sabrina Carpenter - Taste (=)

#8: Teddy Swims - Bad Dreams (=)

#7: Billie Eilish - Birds Of A Feather (=)

#6: Shaboozey - Good News (=)

#5: Gracie Abrams - That's So True (-1)

#4: Sabrina Carpenter - Bed Chem (+1)

#3: Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile (-1)

#2: Chappell Roan - Pink Pony Club (+1)

Last year's #1: Dua Lipa - Houdini

#1: Rose & Bruno Mars - Apt (=)


Yeah, I guess Cry For Me, Squabble Up, and Abracadabra exist...

(And now, get ready for what might just be the most "iconic" moment ever on this dusty old blog forgotten by all...)

*painfully fakes a smile* Brandi Carlile - The Joke, Olivia Rodrigo - Teenage Dream, Camila Cabello - First Man, Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted, Taylor Swift - All Too Well... Bruno Mars & Sexyy Red - Fat Juicy & Wet. What can I say? Fat Juicy & Wet is simply a *continues to painfully fake a smile* masterpiece of a song. First of all, the title is *smile starts to falter, but is adjusted back, progressively falling into a deeper pain* GENIUS. I mean, we've heard of juicy, and we've heard of wet... but the use of the word "fat" is certainly uncalled for. I-I-I-In a... good way? And secondly, the production. It's never been done before. It's *slowly breaking down into complete mental insanity* one of the greatest things I've ever heard. And the best thing about it? The lyrics. *goes full-on I Can Do It With A Broken Heart mode* Forget the raw agony of feeling less significant when growing up in Teenage Dream, or the masterfully crafted heartbreak storytelling in All Too Well. This song captures the essence of being... well... *Geez Louise I absolutely HATE even saying this title* ...Fat Juicy & Wet. I was already captivated from the relatable metaphor of "good kitty kitty good kitty kitty", but by the time we reached the pleasant imagery of "suck on my t**s", I knew this song was a complete *almost dies saying it* masterpiece. How could anybody not absolutely adore the genius that is... *I'm not even gonna say it again* ...this song. Wonderful job, Bruno Mars & Sexyy Red. Goodbye everyone. *falls straight down to the ground*

Biggest Jump: Lola Young - Messy, David Guetta, Alphaville & Ava Max - Forever Young (+7) (both "young" songs)

Biggest Drop: Morgan Wallen - Love Somebody (-7)

Missed songs: literally all of those other songs I mentioned above.

Recommendations for Hits 1: nothing. Fat Juicy & Wet has amazed me so much that I don't think any other song can match up to it.

Blurb Blurby & Blurb, That Good Blurby Blurby Good Blurby Blurby Make It My Blurb:

Apple left the countdown... okay. It was... getting old. Just getting old. Nothing else to say here. Guilty also left unexpectedly. More expectedly, both Myles Smith songs left, which was kinda good to make more room for new songs.

I don't know what Hits 1 is doing with Love Somebody or Sailor Song. I would neither love nor hate Love Somebody leaving, and I hope Sailor Song... yep, you guessed it, sails off the countdown. (Hey, no one ever said anything about not being allowed to say that in this post!)

"It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one" - Addison Rae's Diet Pepsi, probably

...Birds Of A Feather has been on here for, like, a really long time, hasn't it? Yeah, those birds are flying high, aren't they?

There was almost no action in the top 10. I think it's so hilarious how most of the top half of the countdown is still so blue. "Oh damn, never seen that color blue." Goes to show how, uh... Delicate the countdown is. (I have no idea what that means, I just wanted to take advantage of the fact that I'm still technically allowed to make Taylor Swift references.)

Kendrick Lamar collaborated with Taylor Swift once, on a remix of Bad Blood. And that was not performed at the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Yes. Objective facts. No opinion. The clowns are running away.

Okay fine I'll meet you at the apateu-pateu, Bruno Mars & Rose. Pink Pony Club might hit #1 at some point, but if it doesn't, that's reasonable and acceptable, as it hit #2 and that's a really good run. Yeah...

I know this isn't part of the challenge, but I just wanted to say that Bed Chem is growing on me pretty rapidly. I love the windchimes, the overall nostalgic sound it has to it, and some clever lyrics (especially the bridge, and the second verse gets bonus points for "uponeth").

Well that was weird... but that's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

My thoughts on every major Taylor Swift album theory

Hi! Sorry I'm late. So, this is a new style of post for me. Basically, I've compiled a list of five theories about albums Taylor Swift hasn't released, and giving my thoughts on how likely these theories are. I've created a rating system for these theories, using the same colors as my normal color code. This isn't necessarily to say that these albums will be released: this just means whether they exist or not. Alright, let's take a look at this!

Karma: somewhat likely

Yeah, I wasn't quite sure about this one, but the signs are all around. "All I think about is karma" in Look What You Made Me Do - all she thinks about are the songs she doesn't share because of a fear of worsening her own reputation. "Maybe I got mine but you'll all get yours" could allude to revealing these songs and this new side of herself to the world, not caring what people think of her... Karma. Obviously there's the giant sign in the music video for The Man. And the song called Karma that could easily fit this album may have originally been intended to be this album's title track. Most importantly, even if not Karma specifically, to me, it feels quite likely that Taylor would have been writing music during her hiatus, possibly even a full album's worth of songs. The music on Karma would probably be like that of the "revenge" songs on Reputation, like Look What You Made Me Do or This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, and maybe some of the angrier love songs like I Did Something Bad, Don't Blame Me, or Getaway Car. I feel like some of Karma was recycled for Reputation, but I don't think the entirety of the album was reused. I don't imagine Karma including songs like Gorgeous or King Of My Heart, and Karma probably had some songs that Reputation didn't have (possible Rep TV FTV tracks?) but overall, I lean towards Karma being a likely album theory.

Woodvale: very unlikely

Yeah I'm not buying this theory. Currently the only evidence that Woodvale may have even existed is a mistake on one edition of the Folklore album cover. It's almost unnoticeable because a sticker usually covers it up and it's already camouflaged with the background, but if you look closely at what is referred to as the "Hide And Seek" edition of the album, there's a word in the top right corner: Woodvale. I'm willing to believe that this had to have been a placeholder title that they just forgot to remove. I'm sorry to all the hardcore Woodvale truthers, if there are any, but I really don't think Woodvale exists.

Evermore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions: possible

Alright, this is kind of just something I really want to be true, but may not be. Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions gave us some intriguing acoustic performances of songs on Folklore, and I wish she did the same for my favorite album she has released: Evermore. There aren't too many signs of this being released or even conceptualized, but there's nothing telling us it's not happening. Not much else to say for this one, just a pretty normal, safe theory that I really want to be true.

Taylor Swift Holiday Collection (Taylor's Version): very likely

Of course. I don't even know why this has to count as a "theory", but I guess Swifties are split between whether Taylor will actually re-record this EP or not. I know this EP seems to have been mostly forgotten, but some Swifties (myself included) actually really like it. I want to be able to listen to a version of Christmases When You Were Mine that she owns! If anything, maybe she'll just re-record CWYWM and CMBSM and not do the covers, but it would be really cool if she also re-recorded the covers. It seems weird that people think Taylor will have two whole original songs that are officially released without owning them. I'm very much a CWYWM stan, and while unfortunately the re-recording may not quite capture the raw emotions that I loved so much in CWYWM, I'm hoping it's still just as good. Also, this EP might work as a good "home" for Christmas Tree Farm so that people can listen to that song on a physical edition, even if she doesn't re-record it (which would be highly unlikely since she already owns that song). Anyway, I'm rooting for TSHC TV to be real.

The Eras Tour: The Album: possible

Well, we already have the Eras Tour movie, so I'm not quite sure about her releasing a live album. Some people think she'll just release the live performances of all the songs on the normal setlist, while some people are theorizing that it'll just be a "surprise songs" album (which could be a plausible reason why she always redid the surprise songs that she made a mistake on) and she'd release live performances of her best surprise songs from throughout the tour. Since the movie already is released, I'm on the latter side. A surprise songs album could potentially work. No, I don't think she's releasing live performances of every surprise song she did, since that would be almost her entire discography with the exception of only That's When, Bye Bye Baby, Girl At Home, Forever Winter, Ronan, and Soon You'll Get Better. More likely, it would be the surprise songs that seemed to be the most loved by fans during their performances, or are maybe the most requested by Swifties after the tour has ended. Anyway, this seems like it could happen, but there's really nothing telling us that we'll get this.

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Hitbound, Abyss & Airplay 2/1/25

Hi! This week gave us a pretty boring Hitbound, other than one thing. Let's take a look at it.


Alessi Rose - IKYK

The Weeknd - Cry For Me (Debut)

Crash Adams - Optimist

Jennie & Dominic Fike - Love Hangover (Debut)

Nessa Barrett - Love Looks Pretty On You (Debut)

Morgan Wallen - I'm The Problem (Debut)

Sexyy Red & Bruno Mars - Fat Juicy & Wet

Vella - All My Love (?????)

Kesha - Dear Me

Knox - Pick Your Poison

Kendrick Lamar - Squabble Up (Debut)

Lauren Spencer Smith - Pray

Djo - Basic Being Basic

Kane & Katelyn Brown - Body Talk (Debut)

Twice & Megan Thee Stallion - Strategy

Willow Avalon - Baby Blue

I don't feel like making a full review of every Hitbound song this week, as they were all incredibly forgettable. But none of them were bad, so that's good.

Only one "great" song on Hitbound this week? Wow...

All My Love by Vella is having a weird run in Hitbound. It Sunday Bested and stayed in Hitbound after leaving the countdown. This has only happened before with Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez.

There don't seem to be any Hitbound songs getting external spins this week.


Sza - Drive

Tyla - Push 2 Start

Morgan Wallen - Smile

Griff - Last Night's Mascara

The first three were forgettable, but Last Night's Mascara is in the abyss so I hope it debuts the countdown soon.


Harry Styles - Daylight (3 spins)

The Marias - No One Noticed (14 spins)

Jennie - Mantra (19 spins)

Akon - Akon's Beautiful Day (19 spins)

Griff - Last Night's Mascara (20 spins)

Lady Gaga - Disease (22 spins)

Alex Warren - Carry You Home (30 spins)

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

It got normal again - Hits 1 Weekend Countdown 2/1/25

Hi! This week's countdown was pretty inactive. I don't have anything else to say here. Let's get started!


Vella - All My Love

Ariana Grande - Popular

Cynthia Erivo & Ariana Grande - Defying Gravity


#30: Marshmello & Jonas Brothers - Slow Motion (Debut)

#29: Hayes Warner - Oh! (+1)

#28: Teddy Swims - Guilty (Debut)

#27: Tate McRae - Sports Car (Debut)

#26: The Weeknd & Playboi Carti - Timeless (+1)

#25: Raye - Oscar Winning Tears (-2)

#24: Kendrick Lamar & Sza - Luther (+5)

#23: Megan Moroney - Am I Okay? (+5)

#22: Addison Rae - Diet Pepsi (-4)

#21: Lola Young - Messy (=)

#20: Sza - Bmf (+2)

#19: Myles Smith - Nice To Meet You (+5)

#18: David Guetta, Alphaville & Ava Max - Forever Young (+8)

#17: Damiano David - Born With A Broken Heart (-3)

#16: Gigi Perez - Sailor Song (-3)

Extra: Knox - Pick Your Poison

#15: Lisa - Moonlit Floor (-6)

#14: Alex Warren & Joe Jonas - Burning Down (+5)

#13: Charli XCX - Apple (+3)

#12: Morgan Wallen - Love Somebody (+5)

#11: Gracie Abrams - I Love You I'm Sorry (+1)

#10: Myles Smith - Stargazing (-4)

#9: Sabrina Carpenter - Taste (+2)

#8: Teddy Swims - Bad Dreams (=)

#7: Billie Eilish - Birds Of A Feather (=)

#6: Shaboozey - Good News (+4)

#5: Sabrina Carpenter - Bed Chem (-1) 

#4: Gracie Abrams - That's So True (+1)

#3: Chappell Roan - Pink Pony Club (=)

#2: Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile (=)

Last year's #1: Dua Lipa - Houdini

#1: Rose & Bruno Mars - Apt (=)


My opinion still stands on Guilty & Sports Car since last week. They're both solid songs but very forgettable. And I think Slow Motion needs to be out of here soon.

Biggest Jump: David Guetta, Alphaville & Ava Max - Forever Young (+8)

Biggest Drop: Lisa - Moonlit Floor (-6)

Missed song: Mitski - My Love Mine All Mine

Recommendation for Hits 1: Teddy Swims - Funeral

Blurbs car:

Both of the songs from Wicked left this week. I'm fine with Popular going but I wish Defying Gravity got more success. All My Love also left the countdown this week, and it's still in Hitbound for some reason, but that tells me it's not gone yet. As Ethan mentioned on his blog, this is the first time since 2022 (Stephen Sanchez's Until I Found You) that a song has had a continuous countdown run during the time of a continuous Hitbound run.

Forever Young jumped again. This song's countdown run is so confusing.

Moonlit Floor took a big drop. I'm fine with this.

How in the universe is Burning Down still on the countdown, and jumping? It has almost no airplay. If anything, Carry You Home should be on the countdown since that song is still getting regular airplay long after its departure from the countdown.

At the rate it's going, Apple might survive all the way to Brat spring. It's been half a year and Apple is suddenly close to returning to its previous peak position.

I think it's hilarious that almost the entire top 15 is blue right now.

Birds Of A Feather has now reached 35 consecutive weeks on the countdown, 25 consecutive weeks in the top 10, and 3 consecutive weeks at #7.

Apt is still #1. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we get Pink Pony Club to #1 soon?

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

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