Great... another one of these. These aren't always fun to make, but I feel that sometimes they're necessary. Anyway, I made this post because... *sigh* I already want to get rid of my blogging schedule.
(Yes, this isn't a troll. I legitimately couldn't sustain a schedule for more than one month. I'm that lazy.)
No, I'm not lazy. It's not even that I just get burnt out easily. I'm just so busy outside of blogging. I don't like to reveal anything about my personal life on this platform, and that still very much stands, but I'll just say it truthfully: I do stuff. I have a life. And blogging isn't always my top priority. In fact, it's almost never my top priority.
Really the reason I created a schedule for myself is not that I like schedules. It's that I felt like somehow I wasn't posting as much as I should, and so I didn't get as many views as I'd hoped just because the viewers can never predict when I'll release one post, or when I'll release a special series of twenty posts, or when I'll disappear for two weeks, or when I'll have my blog deactivated for months on end, with the constant worry that I could at any moment be gone forever without any announcement. But it's not like I was getting pressured, or made fun of, or even lacking recognition. I have viewers, and not once has anyone said anything bad about my blog, except myself, over and over and over. This is not to say I want to stop blogging. I have good ideas for posts, and I'm usually able to have fun with blogging if it's content I enjoy reviewing. I actually have a series of fun Olivia Rodrigo-related posts planned for her big twenty-twooooooo birthday this week! I just think I'll feel better if I go back to how I was before: posting whenever I feel motivated, even if that means posting less than once a week.
Additionally, this might sound like I'm repeating the same things I had said in that post from June 2024 (iykyk) but the countdown & Hitbound posts in particular sometimes feel *ahem* robotic. And as I've said before, I don't just mean that I have more fun reviewing good songs as opposed to bad songs. For example, as much as I despise that monstrosity of a song that is Fat Juicy & Wet, it gave me interesting material for blogging content since it was so laughably bad that it's at least kinda fun to analyze. But it's not fun to review a whole Hitbound full of songs that are just decently tolerable and have no positive or negative qualities and are just gonna be forgotten in three days. So I don't think I'm gonna post any countdown or Hitbound reviews anytime soon unless it either becomes drastically amazing or drastically horrible.
It doesn't necessarily have to be exactly how it was before where it was completely unpredictable when I'd post or when I'd take weeks off. Some things will remain semi-scheduled. I'll still (for now) try my best to post an album review every month, a personal chart every month, at least one other post every month, and bigger projects for special events like holidays or hitting a milestone number of blog views. But I want to be more flexible so that blogging doesn't feel like a chore. Blogging was never a requirement for me. The whole point for why I blog has always stayed the same throughout my on-and-off two years in the community: as a fun way of sharing my opinions on today's music. If it doesn't feel fun, then there's no point in it.
Anyway, I also want to take this time to give a shoutout to bloggers like Ethan & Hippo for actually being able to live with having a schedule and (particularly in Ethan's case) the occasional pressure from viewers, and Bubby for the sheer amount of posts they get out and their quite versatile posting genres. I must commend your dedication to blogging and I genuinely can't even fully imagine all of the work you put into it. Once again, I'm don't plan on leaving this community. I definitely want to continue blogging for at least one more year, depending on what happens in my life up to that point. I'm just trying not to care as much about what people think of my blog, so I'll be a much less regular poster in order to give me time to focus on my life outside of blogging.
(TL;DR - My blog will no longer operate on a strict schedule, partially due to a recent lack of interest in Hitbound, but mostly because of an increasingly busy personal life and not wanting to prioritize blogging as if it is a requirement. I'll still plan on monthly album reviews, personal charts, and other random posts, but I'll be more flexible with my schedule. Also, special shoutouts to bloggers who put in the work to regularly post. I could never.)
That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!