These are pages that have some general information and/or are regularly updated!

Monday, January 15, 2024

New Blog!

Hi. Uh... what happened? My blog got deleted again, and this time it was permanently deactivated, so I had to make a new blog entirely. I don't understand life sometimes. Anyway, I'm back, and you can expect me to be here for a bit longer this time... I hope. So... what's going to happen? I'm a bit confused myself. I missed one Hitbound week that I did the countdown for, I was gone for three weeks, and I was going to post my best list for the year but my blog was removed before I could do so.

Here's what I plan to do in the next month or so:

1. Hits 1 Countdown/HB Catchup

2. Guts album re-review (the album got a 72% then but would get 87% now, and you'll see why)

3. Sour album review

4. My Top 20 Favorite Songs of the Year

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeee!

This is the most recent post!

So... about this whole "schedule" thing...

Great... another one of these. These aren't always fun to make, but I feel that sometimes they're necessary. Anyway, I made this pos...

You should not be viewing these posts so much. It's too much.